with Jose-Luis Peydro; Review of Financial Studies, 2011, Vol 24, 4, 1337-1377.
with Manju Puri; American Economic Review, 2012, Vol 102, 4, 1414-1445.
Google Earth file for viewing depositor runs available
with Jose Luis Peydro, Samuel lopes and Antoinette Schoar; Review of Financial Studies, 2014.
with Antoinette Schoar; American Economic Review, P&P, 2015.
with Asim Khwaja, Kelly Shue and Asim Khwaja, Kelly Shue and Erzo Luttmer; Management Science, 2016.
with Manju Puri and Nick Ryan; Journal of Finance, 2016.
with Puriya Abbassi, Jose Luis Peydro and Francesc Tous; Journal of Financial Economics, 2016.
with Zacharius Sautner; Review of Economics and Statistics, 2018
with Thais Jensen, Niels Johannesen and Adam Sheridan; Review of Financial Studies, 2019
with Nittai Bergman and Richard Thakor, Review of Financial Studies, 2020
with Rustom Irani, Ralf Meisenzahl and Jose-Luis Peydro, Review of Financial Studies, 2021
with Puriya Abbassi, Jose-Luis Peydro and Paul Soto, Forthcoming, Management Science.
with Antoinette Schoar; NBER Conference Volume.
with Antoinette Schoar; Forthcoming, Review of Finance.
with Shohini Kundu and Nikos Paltalidis.
with Asger Lau Andersen, Niels Johannesen, Mia Jørgensen and Jose-Luis Peydro.
with Goldman Jim and Ramana Nanda.
with Sotirios Kokas, Alexander Michaelides and Jose-Luis Peydro.
with Antoinette Schoar.